
Showing posts from August, 2018

What Can I Eat?


What does the Bible say about healthy eating

Hello Ladies, Here are some web sites that I promised you all. Have a Blessed new semester! No eating man-made food, at least lets try.

Never Ending Lesson!

As we are approaching the end of the semester, I feel bittersweet because although I'm happy to complete the class, I'm also sad to leave it. I was beginning to enjoy this "writing" thing and learning the use of proper grammar and punctuations. I love writing and would like to continue practicing and improving upon the skill. I think it's a never ending lesson. I have gained many new skills throughout the course, such as: how to write essays; how to expand my writing abilities as I learn from the previous written papers; the resources provided on campus like the library, internet, and books; how to cite and quote appropriately using the APA standards. While all the papers offered different challenges to write, I strongly believe that due to these challenges my writing has substantially improved. There were even times when I felt like giving up but still knew I had to push myself and try my best. Out of all of the skills I gained, one that will trans

Gift from God


The Struggle is real!!

  I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in 2015. I remember my doctor reviewing the medications with me and giving me instructions on how to test my blood and also encouraged me to adopt a low carbohydrate diet. Although classes were offered for education purposes, at the time I chose not to make it a priority.   At first, I considered doing my paper on the functions of the brain; but then I thought I might change it to how diabetes affected the brain; but as I proceeded to research and read up on it, it dawned on me that I first wanted to educate myself about diabetes and hopefully educate others who could relate.   Honestly, for a long time I didn’t take it seriously, I didn’t feel a sense of urgency to change my lifestyle. Even though, my mom had it too, it didn’t change my reaction. I figured it was age-related and I just had to learn to live with it. In my ignorance, I thought that the Metformin medication would take care of the diabetes while I continued to live the same

Everyone learns at their own pace!

I have concluded is never too late to learn. I’m going to be honest, I think this class came in a perfect timing. God knows what HE is doing! I have become serious about everything that comes in my life now, whereas before I took things for granted.  I believe this class is going to be insert and helpful in my other classes.  The number of things that I have learned in these past few weeks is immense.  Throughout the course I have learned the basic rules of English, accepting responsibilities of life and motivating myself to create outcomes and experiences that have change my life.  Through the readings and writings, I have learned the basic rules of English. One I used to have trouble with spelling and  the most commonly misuse words. I know that I would confuse a lot of the commonly misused words and putting it in making the sentence wrong. One that I use to confused and still working on is than, then, desert, dessert, capital, and capitol and more words.  I have a trick for