Never Ending Lesson!

As we are approaching the end of the semester, I feel bittersweet because although I'm happy to complete the class, I'm also sad to leave it. I was beginning to enjoy this "writing" thing and learning the use of proper grammar and punctuations. I love writing and would like to continue practicing and improving upon the skill. I think it's a never ending lesson.

I have gained many new skills throughout the course, such as: how to write essays; how to expand my writing abilities as I learn from the previous written papers; the resources provided on campus like the library, internet, and books; how to cite and quote appropriately using the APA standards. While all the papers offered different challenges to write, I strongly believe that due to these challenges my writing has substantially improved. There were even times when I felt like giving up but still knew I had to push myself and try my best. Out of all of the skills I gained, one that will transfer to almost all aspects of my life is....time management. Living in a fast-pace society, time management is imperative in order to plan and prioritize daily life activities and goals.

Although the book "On Course" presented several concepts to time management, I realize that it is up to every individual to tailor it to their own experience.  It is according to the priorities and needs of each person to use their time wisely. The advice that made an impact on me was "Don't be lazy and re-read your paper always" and "Do Not Procrastinate!".

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  1. Well said, Violeta! Time management is definitely something that has to be learned--just like good writing skills. I'm very happy that you have enjoyed this class and have found skills that you will take with you!


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