Everyone learns at their own pace!

I have concluded is never too late to learn. I’m going to be honest, I think this class came in a perfect timing. God knows what HE is doing! I have become serious about everything that comes in my life now, whereas before I took things for granted.  I believe this class is going to be insert and helpful in my other classes.  The number of things that I have learned in these past few weeks is immense.  Throughout the course I have learned the basic rules of English, accepting responsibilities of life and motivating myself to create outcomes and experiences that have change my life.

 Through the readings and writings, I have learned the basic rules of English. One I used to have trouble with spelling and  the most commonly misuse words. I know that I would confuse a lot of the commonly misused words and putting it in making the sentence wrong. One that I use to confused and still working on is than, then, desert, dessert, capital, and capitol and more words.  I have a trick for this one, for example than and then, I replace "therefore" with them, now I know that when comparing two things is “than”.  With desert and dessert I just have to remember that I wasn’t two pieces of dessert and that is with the double “SS” and I don’t want to be alone in the desert, alone one “S”. This is how I have been managing to remember the spelling and the meaning of each word. I'm still trying to figure out clue words that I would understand for the other misused words. Some of my struggles are punctuations, but all with practice.

I remembered my self-esteem was not high enough. I always thought I couldn’t do anything. I expected a low grade; because I knew that’s what I deserve it. I would not put extra time or effort into my class assignment. I was kind like the Inner Critic student in Chapter 2, “feeling insecure and childlike.” Since my relationship with God, a lot of things in my life have change, and one of them is my mind set, and my self-esteem. This class came in the perfect time because it encourages me to think different and this only reassure my thoughts. The key to all is self-motivation and my God is the number one reason, I believe I can do anything through Him who gives me the knowledge and strength. 

Accepting responsibilities, rights, and wrongs can be positive life changing, you are not blame others for what you didn’t do. For example, I can’t blame Ms. Sandy for a paper with a lot of grammar mistakes when I should be being more alert and spend more time in learning the punctuations rules.  Although, there might be times that you might feel that you did the best you could and gave it your “all” still got a “C” paper, like it happened to me in my previous class.  Don’t be discourage, asked questions to the professor so that both you and him may have the same expectations and understandings.  Time management is one key word to become a successful student


  1. Violeta,

    Learning to write proper English and remember the myriad of grammar rules would drive anyone crazy! It certainly isn't easy, and I admire you for not giving up! Once this class ends, I hope you will continue to do your best to write as well as you can. You will continue to get better at it with more practice.

  2. Violeta,
    Those homonyms (words that sound the same) can be very tricky. I always get caught up on than and then. This class has increased my awareness of homonyms. I like the tricks you use to remind yourself of the word and the definition.

  3. Violeta,
    You are absolutely right!! God timing is perfect, I believe it. There is a reason why life events take place when they do. Reflecting on my own life I have come to realize that becoming a mother at a young age , only made me more mature and responsible for now I had little people that depended on me 100%. It can be very easy to get discourage as an adult student because we have many other responsibilities outside the school but we got this!!!


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