Trinity Christian College Field Experience FormTroll Logo.gif
Context for Learning
Description of School and Students

About the School Where You Are Observing or doing Field Experience
School Name and City: Jackie Robinson Elementary school. Chicago
Type of School: Elementary School, Middle School, High School, or Other:   other The School is from Early Childhood, Prek- to 3rd grade
Setting: Urban, Suburban, or Rural:  Urban

Write your responses to the three questions below in paragraph form.
1. List any special features of the school or classroom setting (e.g., themed magnet, classroom aide, bilingual, co-taught with an individual education teacher, pull-out program).

Some of the features out the school has are In our third-grade class, there is an inclusion teacher
who co-teaches with the classroom teacher. All students are grouped heterogeneously,
according to summative and formative assessments.   

2. Describe any district, school, or cooperating teacher requirements or expectations that affect the planning or delivery of instruction, such as required curricula, pacing plan, use of specific instructional strategies, or standardized tests.
The district is a Chicago Public School.  The current network requires the teacher’s to
use language arts and math pacing guides. The new school assessment plan has
mandated teachers to assess in NWEA EOY, REACH Performance Tasks,
Measuring Up, IAR, DIBELS/TRC, and KIDS (kindergarten only).

3.    For special education only: List any educators with specialized expertise in the school/district (e.g., specific disabilities, subject-specific pedagogy, English language development, speech therapists).  
Our school has one primary individual education teacher.  One inclusion primary Special education teacher.

About the Students in this Class [Give a brief or one-word response]
1. Estimated percentage of students eligible for free/reduced lunch: 100%
2. Grade level(s): Prek- 3rd grade
3. Number of
a. students in the class:  16
b. males: 4
females: 12
c. English language learners: None d. students identified as gifted and talented:  None
e. students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans: 2
4. Complete the chart below to summarize required accommodations or modifications for students receiving special education services and/or students who are gifted and talented as they will affect instruction. As needed, consult with your cooperating teacher to complete the chart. The first row has been completed in italics as an example. Use as many rows as you need.

Special Education
Number of Students
Accommodations, Modifications, and/or Pertinent IEP Goals
Example: Learning Disability
Example: 4
Example: Close monitoring, follow up, and Resource Room
IEP- Specific Learning Disability in Reading and Math
Resource Teacher
504 Plans
2 with asthma, 1 with non-epileptic seizures

About the Class You Observed
1. How much time is devoted each day to instruction in the classroom? Describe the class periods (if applicable)? Choose a content area of your specialty or significant. How much time is devoted to teaching that subject?
Each day 90 minutes is devoted to literacy instruction in the classroom.

2. Is there any ability grouping or tracking? If so, please describe how it affects your class.
Not that I know of.

3. Identify any textbook or instructional program you primarily use for instruction. If a book, please provide the title, publisher, and date of publication.

4. List other resources (e.g., SMARTBoard, manipulatives, online resources) used for instruction in this class.
Promethean Boards
 Leveled Books
 Genre Books
 Writing Center
 Classroom library
 Lending Library

5. What do you know about what your students know, what can they do, and what are they learning to do? What do you know about your students’ everyday experiences, cultural backgrounds and practices, and interests?
  I know that my students like to think. They love to predict or make inferences, and when they learn something, they run with it. I have 2 on the level student.  I have 1 autistic, but parents are on denial student and very gifted in math. I have 4 struggling readers. I also know that some struggle emotionally, I have three students who have one of their parents died.  I have two behavior student whose parents argue that someone did something to them for their child to act up. I have 2 who are on DCFS cases, I have two who move from school to school, they have no stability. I have 4 caring parents very involved in their child's education. My girls love to come up with dance steps, while some boys love sports and others like to play games on the computer. I also have 5 great writers and 3 artistic students. But most of all, they are all lovable and want hugs every day.

6. Describe one teaching event. What best practices in teaching were used?
One practice event, I remember the students were calling each other names. On this particular day, the teacher was absent. I had the class for myself. I took the book "A Case Of Stripes," and I
read it to them with so much emotion and enthusiasm.   I remember them being so quiet
listening, even my two behavior students.  We had a whole class discussion about how the
character felt and How would they feel if they were the character.   They responded with self to text background knowledge. Our activity consists of writing a letter, Poem, drawing Pictures. Or comparing or relating to their life experience with bullying.

Experience and given the character advice.   


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