Why do people risk their own lives for others?

This past weekend, my nephew came to visit and watched some YouTube videos and asked me, "Why are people risking their lives for others?" I said an excellent question, but it wasn't difficult for me to answer because I'd be one of those people who would risk my life to others.

He was watching some video called "7 Real Life Heroes Caught on Camera" published June 17, 2018.  Here the show seven incident that happened where strangers help the victims. All the videos I have seen were life risking and emotional to watch; I will only be talking about three.

The first video was about an airplane that crashed into a house, and in this video, there is a man caught inside the house. You can hear some neighbor screaming "There is a man inside the house."  You see many people running, screaming and looking confused.  Everyone was so busy in their own emotions that they never saw the mysterious man goes inside the house to pull out the man.  The man came out of the house carrying him in his shoulder.  Thomas Arteaga left the scene unnoticed, but later on, was rewarded. 

The second video was an armed robbery in a store. The burglars came into the store with guns. The store owners daughter were there. The youngest daughter name Victoria witness the whole incident.  She was on the other side of the counter. The burglars pointed the gun to a customer and pushed her to her knees.  She, later on, grabs the seven-year-old  and shields her with her body in case these men decided to start shooting.  Mother and father thanked her and hugged her for the brave move.

The last Video was my favorite; here a bus driver stops the bus when he sees a young girl standing on the other side of the bridge.  He gets off the bus and grabs her hand and pulls her to the other side of the bridge. He sits with her on the floor, and he starts talking to her until help comes.  He looked very serious about wanting to comfort her and be there for her. He was also awarded, by many but one that warded him was Donald Trump by giving him $10,000, stating that he very well deserve it.

I am one of those people who, while someone gets hurt, can't mind just my business. It's in my heart to help others. I will help someone else without thinking it twice. I value everyone and the life God gave them. I believe we are made with that caring heart and something in our mind doesn't hesitate to do the right thing. At the moment we are not thinking of the consequence but the human being in danger. In the end, it's a personal choice, and it's what you can bear. Each decision has a consequence.


  1. Violet, you and I are so much alike! I also can't resist not helping somebody who is in need. How old is your nephew? I love that this is what he was watching; something that shows the selfless act one gives to help another. What a great thing for him see in others and hopefully influence him. I have never seen these types of videos, but now I am intrigued to go and look!

  2. Hey Nikki, yes i notice you have that kind heart. My nephew is 8 years old he has a big heart.


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