What I learned in my Technology in Education Class...

Technology in Education has opened my eyes to a whole new world.  When I first enrolled in this course, I had no ideas of what the course implicate. I have learned that Technology in Education is compiled of multimedia resources and audiovisual aids that will enhance ourselves as educators and the students learning the process. I learned the importance of technology in the classrooms in today's technology and internet society. 
This class has thought me ways to access and utilize different tools in class that is provided for our students to succeed.  I have learned that there are many resources o stimulate students learning and can access easily, such as blogs, flipgrid, google doc forms and classrooms, VR, quizlet live, tweeter, we video, screencasting and many many more.  I was so excited to share some with the teacher I work for, and she allowed me to use it with the students. When I was first introduced to them they were so excited, they called it magic.  I remembered one student saying "wait how you can grade my paper in your computer, and I can see it in mine." Wait till they see that I have communicated with another third grade class in the Northside and the book we are reading now they are also reading. They are going to ask each other questions and evaluate the book through skype. It is very important to how we present the information to the students. We also have to give them the rules of technology and consequences. Using technology resources allows this once intimidating task to become simple. 
I also learned that technology in education is not only learning, instruction resource for students, but it is also one where teachers, as well as students, are able to collaborate, communicate, show their creativity and critical thinking.  This brings all educators focusing on the same goal, integrating technology and programming the mindset of making changes for teaching. 


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