My style of learning

The beauty of teaching is that we all learn in our own ways and our own pace. We all have different styles of learning and comprehension. Even before I realize there were a few different styles of learning, I had effectively adjusted to mine during elementary school. I believe as a result of the language barrier, I turned into a visual and Kinesthetic learner. As a result of my learning barrier, I had to come up with my own techniques to help me understand the lesson. 
Not knowing the language I had to see the work be demonstrated step by step to understand. I learned the lesson by copying the notes from the board and copying them over and over in my notebook. Unfortunately, I was unable to read the language but also had to do a lot of memorization. I would stay focus on listening and watching the teacher and following her lesson. I can recall one day, all it took for me to tie my shoe was to see one of my classmates tie her shoe, and I was able to tie mine. I believe that I would have learned faster if we would've had better technology. I feel today's technology would have given me the confidence to learn and motivated myself to succeed. This system would have work much better in my learning that the one given to me by my teachers, such as handouts with a lot to read from that would discourage me from learning. If we video exited, the teacher would have a video on her teaching, instead of me writing the notes over and over. I would have played the video as many times as needed to understand the material. 
Another best of my method of learning for me was physical. I was a kinesthetic learner. It is way easier for me to focus on learning by doing. The "hands-on" approach to learning help me how to do things rather than explain. Now I can relate my learning strategy to my past experience in Education. I do a lot of party planning, and sometimes clients ask me to create certain objects. Once I watch the how-to video on the internet, I'll be able to duplicate what I've seen. I learned that through being a visual learner if a friend sends me something to read and another one something to watch/listen too, I would respond to the one that sends me the video to watch. My visual skills are good, and they have helped me out in every way of learning. 
After going through different learning styles, I believe that teachers need to identify their learning styles to teach the students. Teachers primary focus is to provide adequate education to all students regardless of their learning style. We as future educators should change our teaching styles according to the learning style of the students. This is the best way effective teaching can take place. 


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