WOW, as I read the story "The late Paper," it took me back to the year  2002. It really freaked me out because it was like  I was reading my own story. This is exactly what happened to me when I decided to go back to school. My ex-husband accused me of having an affair at Northeastern.  I remember not wanting male partners when we would do our group assignment.  The thought and  fear of my husband finding out and assuming anything would worry me. Then it happened- the teacher decided to put us in groups, and of course, were male classmates in my group. We had to meet once a week and discuss what we had researched. My husband found out because he found emails exchanging class information.  It turned ugly, but besides the situation, we received an "A" on our project. I still and always remember that special assignment.


  1. Hi Violeta,
    I also had a reaction to the story in our text book titled: "The Late Paper." My ex-husband had issues with my journey to the education world. It can be a very difficult situation going back to school when your husband is insecure about other men. I am happy to know, that despite this difficult assignment, you stepped up and received the grade you deserved. Good for you! Seeing women persevere through something like this, makes me real happy!


  2. Hi Violeta, I am not married, however I have several sisters and a few of them are married, so am aware that men can feel left out sometimes. I say that because that was the classical statement my brother in law would say."Honey make sure you dont forget about me".One day I asked my sister was he foreal or was that a joke they had going on. She said, no he is so serious about me not attending school. Just like you, she continued on with her education and graduated with her degree. So you ladies are great examples of women who stayed the course to pursue your dreams.

  3. Thank you ladies, it wasn't easy but it wasn't impossible either. Besides the beatings and mental abuse, what kept me motivated was my two wonderful gifts from God, my boys.

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your struggle with a jealous husband, Violeta. Their insecurity becomes a power over the women they love, and in turn, the women are paralyzed by the fear of physical, mental, or verbal abuse, simply because they are trying to improve themselves. I'm happy you were able to rise above it!

  5. Hello Violeta,

    It takes a lot of strength to overcome being in a jealous and insecure relationship, but you should be very proud of yourself because you beat the odds of not letting your ex-husband bring you down. Keep your eyes on the prize and keeping moving forward.

  6. Thank you for sharing with us Violeta, at times is not so easy to share our experiences. I am very happy that you are working towards your dreams and keeping strong... many blessings your way!!!


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