
Showing posts from March, 2019

What I learned in my Technology in Education Class...

Technology in Education has opened my eyes to a whole new world.  When I first enrolled in this course, I had no ideas of what the course implicate. I have learned that Technology in Education is compiled of multimedia resources and audiovisual aids that will enhance ourselves as educators and the students learning the process. I learned the importance of technology in the classrooms in today's technology and internet society.  This class has thought me ways to access and utilize different tools in class that is provided for our students to succeed.  I have learned that there are many resources o stimulate students learning and can access easily, such as blogs, flipgrid, google doc forms and classrooms, VR, quizlet live, tweeter, we video, screencasting and many many more.  I was so excited to share some with the teacher I work for, and she allowed me to use it with the students. When I was first introduced to them they were so excited, they called it magic.  I remembered one stud

Why do people risk their own lives for others?

This past weekend, my nephew came to visit and watched some YouTube videos and asked me, "Why are people risking their lives for others?" I said an excellent question, but it wasn't difficult for me to answer because I'd be one of those people who would risk my life to others. He was watching some video called "7 Real Life Heroes Caught on Camera" published June 17, 2018.  Here the show seven incident that happened where strangers help the victims. All the videos I have seen were life risking and emotional to watch; I will only be talking about three. The first video was about an airplane that crashed into a house, and in this video, there is a man caught inside the house. You can hear some neighbor screaming "There is a man inside the house."  You see many people running, screaming and looking confused.  Everyone was so busy in their own emotions that they never saw the mysterious man goes inside the house to pull out the man.  The

My style of learning

The beauty of teaching is that we all learn in our own ways and our own pace. We all have different styles of learning and comprehension. Even before I realize there were a few different styles of learning, I had effectively adjusted to mine during elementary school. I believe as a result of the language barrier, I turned into a visual and Kinesthetic learner. As a result of my learning barrier, I had to come up with my own techniques to help me understand the lesson.  Not knowing the language I had to see the work be demonstrated step by step to understand. I learned the lesson by copying the notes from the board and copying them over and over in my notebook. Unfortunately, I was unable to read the language but also had to do a lot of memorization. I would stay focus on listening and watching the teacher and following her lesson. I can recall one day, all it took for me to tie my shoe was to see one of my classmates tie her shoe, and I was able to tie mine. I believe that I woul